Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Growing Old!

Not easy anymore buat nyampe 19tahun. bismillah meneguhkan gue buat yakin, actually to be better ever person than before! yeah... happy birthday to me and happy fasting everyone. today is first day right?

There are a thosand wishes that i want to be. May I have your 'Amen' for all? the deepest devoted 'Amen'. Thaaankyouuuuu :*

for that many person who's been such a great help and those who always believe in me thaaankyouuuu....

without Allah, my mom, my mom, my mom dan keluarga besar, temen-temen and YOU! im nothing, so thank you sooo muchhh. I love you guys more than myself *hug*

at last, but not least. I wanna sceam :
semoga bisa ngebelah atmosfir berlapis-lapis, berenang dengan paus akrobatis, dan menuju rasi bintang yang paling manissssss haha (korban iklan)

Bismillah ya Allahu Rabbi, terangi jalanku, jalan kebenaran O:))

ps: thanks neng wina for the pict. love it :D